Unlock Your Full Potential with TCGi's Radical Impact: A Growth Program - The Chapman Group

Unlock Your Full Potential with TCGi’s Radical Impact: A Growth Program

Ready to embark on a transformative journey that transcends mere career advancement? Join our growth program: Radical Impact, meticulously designed for individuals committed to personal and professional growth. This isn’t just a program; it’s a catalyst for success, amplifying your performance and helping you live your best life.

Key Features:

  1. Whole Person Growth: Experience holistic development, nurturing both your professional and personal facets.
  2. Self-Reflection: Uncover the meaning behind your actions and decisions, aligning your leadership with your core values.
  3. Targeted Topics for Leaders: Tackle specific challenges faced by leaders in today’s dynamic world with carefully curated modules.
  4. Overcome Barriers to Growth: Identify and break through the barriers that might be hindering your progress.
  5. Short-Term Wins for Long-Term Impact: Achieve quick wins that translate into lasting change, propelling you towards sustained life-changing impacts.

Why Take the Radical Impact Program?

Performance and Leadership Coaching: Our experienced coaches act as your guides, offering personalized support and feedback throughout the program.

Development, Not Training: We believe in continuous development, not just a one-time training session. This is a journey of growth that goes beyond the ordinary.

Your commitment – Through the program, you may be asked to listen to podcasts, reflect on your performance, read business articles, practice new behaviours, explore your motivation for doing what you do, and consider if the results you are achieving are aligned with your hopes and expectations.

Our commitment – We will provide you with relevant assessment tools, current podcast content, new theories and ideas through assigned articles and readings and real-time coaching, all aimed at guiding you through a transformational journey towards living your best life, both professionally and personally.

This experience can be either in-person or virtual, although we highly recommend an in-person kick-off for an optimal start. As part of the experience, you will receive everything you need to make this a seamless experience that eases you from one module to the next.

The schedule is as follows:

  1. Interview with a lead executive coach to determine areas of focus
  2. Complete the online Insights assessment tool
  3. Attend a half-day kick-off to review your Insights assessment and establish standards and expectations for the peer coaching group
  4. Engage in 10 – two-hour peer coaching topics

Who Should Join?

Whether you’re mid-career and eager to reach new heights or at a crossroads, contemplating your next chapter, our program is your roadmap to self-exploration.

Ready to elevate your performance and unlock your full potential? Join the Radical Impact Program today!

Location: The Chapman Group